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We want your feedback. Whether it's a restaurant review, a suggestion, or a question, click on the right address below and write us.

Is there a dish that you've tried from one of our restaurants and would like to post a review? Well send it in! Send your food reviews to reviews@missoneats.com. Make sure to include the restaurant name, the name of the dish, and a few sentences describing the dish.

Is there a restaurant you deem worthy to be on our site? By all means send your suggestions to suggest@missioneats.com. For the time being, suggested restaurants must be located on 16th Street between South Van Ness and Dolores and have an average entree price under $7.00.

Since we at Mission Eats are planning to expand our restaurant listings, we encourage all restaurant owners who would like to see their own restaurant here on our site to submit their information to info@missioneats.com.

If you have any questions or comments about our Web site or about us, please contact us at help@missioneats.com.

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